Just Another S!mple Life

Life is just simple but we made it complicated.. people alwiz try to do thing that they shouldn't do n da result only pain n sorrow deep inside their heart..

Thursday, October 14, 2004

tahlah aku pun taktau

ari ni last makan malam...gi makan ngan cd kecik,perof,fakri,wak,man,shahrule,od,nour and siong....cd kecik baru sampai dari penang...malam ni dah start dah terawih..first..tadi takde letrik..uuuuuuuuu....seksa wooo...nasib baik ada lilin...dah lah tu masa takde letrik tadi tgh ngadap pc...risau arr kot2 pc nak meletup ker apa upa2nya takde letrik...suwei jer...pastu sampai kolej dalam around kul 11.30 coz makan kat semenyih..uuu jauh tak jauh sgt arr...balik umah...sampai la ni aku dok ngadap pc ni ha....tadi ader arr org tu kul 1 lebih tadi..pastu aku sorg jer sampai skang...hhmmmm...aku malas arr nak sahur takde mood.Dah arr abang angkat aku balik sawak plak ari ni..sob sob..kawan2 pun tahler...hhmmm...people only think about theyself but don't thing about others...when they needed us there we'll be but when we needed themm...we just stand alone...nak tunggu lepas waktu sahur ni...lambat plak...-->hahaha cam sahur jer kan...pastu tgk arr rasa nak tito kot...mata ni dah lebam dah...sakit plak bila sentuh...sabo yolah...atoii...


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