Just Another S!mple Life

Life is just simple but we made it complicated.. people alwiz try to do thing that they shouldn't do n da result only pain n sorrow deep inside their heart..

Friday, October 08, 2004


Selsema plak...atoiii...uuuu arini aku layan cita eiffel utk kali ketiga...syok siot...teringin plak nak ada boyfrenz cam adit tu...bukan senang nak jumpa tu...satu dalam sejuta...korg pekaba ha...weii...kengkawan suma pulanglah wei..aku merindui korg ni....kengkawan suma wei kita tul2 rindu kat korg ni...bila nak balik...sob,sob...korg dah xsayang kita dah ker..dah arr korg nanti nak blah tinggalkan kita...korg ni memang takde perikemanusiaan lah...twin dah balik dah ..sama arr ngan peanut..opsss lupa plak nak gitau sebelah umah kita ni ada twin..diaorg sama gak ngan kita twin yang seiras...kekekekek...go nora go noreen...diaorg balik awal katanya nak study...Study yerkk..heheheh..tadi baru pas bangat layan cita new police story ...punk bg..kekek..heheh..thanx punk..byk kali susahkan ko..lain kali susahkan ko lagi(hehehehe--->gelak dalam nada jahat)just don't understand people.why did they need to lie to each other...the best way for a perfect relationship or friendship is to be honest to each other n alwiz be the one who willing to share all da pain n da happiness..life are just not all about u but life is all about other too.


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